RCR Series Recordings

The RCR Series offers monthly presentations and discussions on RCR-related topics, often featuring local and national experts. Here is the library of past RCR presentation recordings, which will be updated regularly as new recordings become available.

2024 Presentations 
Topic Speaker(s) Training Area Covered
Balancing Act: Navigating the Limits to Confidentiality in Adolescent Research - Strategies for Ethical and Effective Practice

Melissa R. Dvorsky, PhD

Monika Goyal, MD, MSCE 

Natella Rakhmanina, MD, PhD, FAAP, FCP, AAHIVS

Research Ethics
(Don't) Lie with Statistics

Maria Mori Brooks, PhD

Li Wang, MS

Research Misconduct
2024 REI Week: Hello Dr. Bear. Can you hear my very loud and very quiet questions about being in a research study?

Vanessa Madrigal, MD, MSCE

Genna Beth Davis

Research Ethics
Don't forget Your Adapter - Unpacking Ethical Considerations in International Research

Kristen Breslin, MD, MPH

Andrew Campbell, MD

Craig Sable, MD


Research Ethics

2023 Presentations
Topic Speaker(s) Training Area Covered
Legal Issues in Research Kristen Safier, JD, MSEd Policies
True, Complete, and Accurate: Integrity of Research Applications Michael Lauer, MD Research Misconduct
Responsible Conduct of Research Involving Animals Tarik Haydar, PhD  Policies
Kids Are Not Small Adults: Ethical Considerations in Clinical Research 

Luke Gelinas, PhD

Robert Nelson, MD, PhD 

Research Misconduct; Policies
Informed consent in cellular and gene therapies: How informed is informed? 

Diana Bharucha-Goebel, MD

David Jacobsohn, MD, ScM, MBA

Michael Keller, MD


Research Ethics

Confidentiality Considerations for the Collection of Transgender and Gender Diverse Participant Data in Clinical Research

Kristen Bresin, MD, MPH

Shane Henise, M.Ed, MA

Angela White, Esq

The Twisted Helix of Research and Clinical Care: Ethical Issues of Genetic Testing in Research.

Seth Berger, MD, PhD

Curtis Coughlin, PhD, MS, MBE

Anna Hurst, MS, MD, FACMG

Debra Regier, MD, PhD

Research Ethics
2022 Presentations
Topic Speaker Training Area Covered
Recruitment of Diverse Populations across the Life Span Janice Blanchard, MD Chief, Section of Health Policy; Lamia Soghier, MD, FAAP, CHSE Medical Unit Director, NICU; John Strang, PsyD, Director, Gender & Autism Program Human Subjects
Authorship in Science - Some Issues Never Change Much Alan I. Leshner, PhD, CEO Emeritus at AAAS and Former Executive Publisher of Science Authorship
"Did I Do the Right Thing?" Questionable Research Practices in Health Professions Education Anthony Artino, PhD, Professor and Associate Dean, Evaluation and Educational Research, GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences Research Ethics
Study Reviews and Maintaining Review Readiness Caitlin Joffe, MBA, CCRP, Director, Quality Assurance for Research Human Subjects, Research Misconduct

Introduction to Emergency Use Authorizations (EUAs) 

(Part 1: Regulatory Considerations, Challenges, and Best Practices)

Kristen Breslin, MD, MPH, Chair, Children's National Institutional Review Board; Gregory H. Reaman, MD, Associate Director, Pediatric Oncology, FDA; Alavy Sos, MS, Executive Director, Research Regulatory Affairs, Children’s National Human Subjects, Research Ethics

Introduction to Emergency Use Authorizations (EUAs) 

(Part 2: Expanded Access, Single Use Authorization, & Practical Applications)

Marissa Horrigan, PharmD, BCPS, Children’s National; Joshua Kanter, MD, FACC, Children’s National; Lindsay Kilburn, MD, Children’s National Human Subjects, Research Ethics

Clinical Research Ethics Consultation: The latest data on a new practice and what it can offer to your clinical research programs.

Liza Dawson, PhD, MA; Kathryn Porter, JD, MPH; Holly Taylor, PhD, MPH Research Ethics
2021 Presentations
Topic Speaker Training Area Covered
Biobanking: Blood…and Don’t Forget the Sweat and Tears Pearl O'Rourke, MD; Associate Professor, Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School Human Subjects, Research Ethics
Experimental Therapies Andrea Hahn, MD; Vanessa Madrigal, MD, MSCE; Jeffrey Spike, PhD Human Subjects, Research Ethics
Ethics and Norms for Scientific Authorship Alan I. Leshner, PhD – former editor of Science and president of AAAS Authorship
Asthma, Vitamin D, and Equity in Clinical Research Stephen Teach MD, MPH; Chair, Department of Pediatrics; Associate Dean, Pediatric Faculty Affairs Human Subjects, Research Ethics

Ethical Conundrums in Modern Genetics


Marshall Summar MD; Division Chief, Genetics and Metabolism; Director, Rare Disease Institute; Eric Vilain, MD, PhD; Director, Center for Genetic Medicine Research Human Subjects, Research Ethics
2020 Presentations
Topic Speaker Training Area Covered
ORI Research Misconduct Investigations John Butler, Compliance Officer, DIO, ORI; Yvette Carter, MD, Scientist-Investigator, DIO, ORI; Ning Du, MD, PhD, Scientist-Investigator, DIO, ORI; Karen Wehner, PhD, Director, DEI, ORI Research Misconduct
Living in the Grey Area: Personal and Historical Perspectives on Research Ethics Jeffrey Spike, PhD; Clinical Professor, Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, GWU Scientist as a responsible member of society
Informed Consent and Assent Vanessa Madrigal, MD, MSCE; Director, Ethics Program; Chair, Clinical Ethics Committee, CNH Human Subjects, Research Ethics