In addition to our regular offerings, CTSI-CN occasionally offers additional funding opportunities to respond to emergent issues in clinical and translational research. Explore our past offerings below, and join the CTSI-CN Mailing List for alerts about future opportunities.
Other CTSI-CN Funding Opportunities
- CTSI-CN Health Equity Funding Opportunity
Awarded in late 2021, this opportunity provided funds and support for “shovel-ready” projects aimed at translating discovery to improved health, with special attention to issues related to achieving health equity. This opportunity had a quick turnaround and limited funding period (~4.5 months), therefore projects were encouraged to be designed to utilize existing data and/or resources, including biorepositories, to positively impact decision-making by healthcare professionals, patients, parents, and the communities served by our institutions. Qualitative or focus group studies that could be completed within the short timeline of this award were also acceptable.
- Voucher Awards
Open to investigators and research teams at CNH and GW, CTSI-CN Voucher awards provide researchers with access to services and tools to assist in developing resources and/or preliminary data to facilitate hypothesis-driven research initiatives. Awarded projects should be "shovel-ready" and lead to a paper and/or proposal submission within 6 months of the award.
- Translational Team Science Awards
Translational Team Science Awards (TTSAs) aim to promote creative, multidisciplinary team-based research focused on complex or challenging biomedical research questions. TTSA research teams must be comprised of 3 or more independent disciplines or types of expertise. Teams may be formed from any combination of academic labs, clinical partners, industry or foundations. Innovative, high-impact studies of all types are eligible and faculty at all levels may apply. The total budget for an entire team may not exceed $25,000 in total costs. The project period is 12 months long with no extensions.
- Population Health Team Science Awards
Awards of up to $25K each are available for projects that propose innovative, high-impact multidisciplinary studies in community-based population health research. The aim of these awards is to form partnerships between two or more faculty from different disciplines and at least one community partner to embark on projects that utilize community based participatory research methods to focus on health disparities in a marginalized population. The research question should be such that no individual within the team could complete the project without the additional expertise of all the other members of the team.